Membership Benefits


Opportunities for Members

TBP Senior-Year Scholarship Program: Multiple $2,000 scholarships for senior-year study will be granted to Tau Bates who have junior-year standing in the current academic year. The scholarships will be granted on the basis of high scholarship, strong recommendations, extracurricular activities, and financial need. The application deadline is March 1.

Graduate Fellowship Program: Multiple $10,000 cash awards will be given in conjunction with Tau Beta Pi’s annual graduate fellowship program. The awards will be granted to Tau Beta Pi members for graduate school on the basis of promise of future development in engineering or related fields, and financial need. Even if your graduate study is already fulled funded, we encourage you to apply for a Tau Beta Pi Fellowship. Additional honorary fellowships with no cash award will be granted by the Tau Beta Pi Fellowship Board to recognize promising engineers. The application deadline is February 1.

Laureate Program: The Laureate Program recognizes student members who have demonstrated exceptional talent outside the field of engineering. Chapters may nominate one or more members as a Laureate based upon their contributions in arts, athletics, service, or diverse achievements. Each Laureate will be presented with a $2,500 cash award and a plaque at the Annual Convention. Laureate nomination packages are assembled by a chapter nomination committee, excluding but in consultation with the candidate. The nomination deadline is March 15.

Educational Loan Fund: Since 1935, the Tau Beta Pi Association has aided student members with their financial needs while in school, or with payment of their initiation fees, through the Educational Loan Fund. This service is offered for student members in amounts up to $2,500 per member. Repayment is required after three years, and a simple interest rate of 6% is charged from the day the loan is received.

Student Assistance Program: The Tau Beta Pi Student Assistance fund was endowed in 1992 through the interest and generosity of C.C. Young, Illinois Alpha ’24. Its purpose is to make funds available to student members of TBP who would otherwise be without sufficient financial resources to remain in college. Repayment is not required, no interest is charged, and grantees are requested to help others in need should they become financially secure.